BUILD BACK BETTER in Norfolk & Suffolk

Showcase your business and support others

It’s easy and only takes 5 minutes

What is the Business Booster App?

Business Booster is creating a modern interactive Business Directory for all businesses in Norfolk and Suffolk that opt in. It is a directory with a difference; as well as showcasing who your business is, it will also highlight how your business is able to help others (individuals or other businesses).

Norfolk and Suffolk Businesses


These are difficult times for many and we want to bring together the incredible range of business’ resources, talent and creativity that we have in this region to help each other and collaborate in every way we can. There are over 50,000 businesses in the region and most of us don’t know who those businesses are. This is a chance to give exposure to our businesses and a platform for each business to offer their help to others in need.


Showcase your business to others in the region

Share how you’d like to help others. Let’s come together and help each other in these difficult times

How can each business help?

Your business is unique in its own way. There are lots of simple ways you may be able to help other businesses, those unemployed, or others in the community.

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Register your business listing in the 'Business Booster' App.


Who is Business Booster?

We’re a Not For Profit project by local leaders so we can help 'Support Local' and all contribute to each other’s success.

Powered by SupaPass and Norfolk Enterprise Festival

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Register to give your business exposure and support each other locally.

It’s easy! - all you need is 5 minutes to complete this quick form.

We're currently accepting business submissions for the App

Launching soon...